Prompt stage
The prompt can be any of the following types:
Type | Description |
Text | Arbitrary text. No client-side validation is done. |
Text (Read only) | Same as above, but cannot be edited. |
Text Area | Arbitrary multiline text. No client-side validation is done. |
Text Area (Read only) | Same as above, but cannot be edited. |
Username | Same as text, except the username is validated to be unique. |
Text input, ensures the value is an email address (validation is only done client-side). | |
Password | Same as text, shown as a password field client-side, and custom validation (see below). |
Number | Numerical textbox. |
Checkbox | Simple checkbox. |
Radio Button Group | Similar to checkboxes, but allows selecting a value from a set of predefined values. |
Dropdwon | A simple dropdown menu filled with predefined values. |
Date | Same as text, except the client renders a date-picker |
Date-time | Same as text, except the client renders a date-time-picker |
File | Allow users to upload a file, which will be available as base64-encoded data in the flow . |
Separator | Passive element to group surrounding elements |
Hidden | Hidden input field. Allows for the pre-setting of default values. |
Static | Display arbitrary value as is |
authentik: Locale | Display a list of all locales authentik supports. |
The prompt has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
field_key | The field name used for the prompt |
label | The label used to describe the field |
required | A flag which decides whether or not this field is required |
placeholder | A field placeholder shown with the input field |
initial_value | The prompt's initial value. It can also be left empty, in which case the field will not have a pre-filled value. |
order | The numerical index of the prompt. This applies to all stages which this prompt is a part of. |
Policies can be used to perform further validation. As an example, to validate that two password fields are identical, you can create the following expression policy: