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Local Vault


In the Kubeark platform, the Vault represents a highly secure and efficient solution for managing and storing a wide array of variables crucial to your operations. Essentially, it acts as a secure central repository for various configuration values such as database credentials, API keys, and environment-specific settings.

In the Kubeark platform, the Vault is conceptualized and accessible from two distinct perspectives, catering to different scopes and levels of variable management. Understanding these two facets of the Vault is key for effective configuration and usage within the platform.

  1. Workspace Vault (Local Vault): This version of the Vault is designed to be unique to each workspace. It allows for the creation and management of variables that are specifically tailored and confined to a single workspace.
  2. Global Vault (Central Vault): This Vault is conceptualized as a platform-wide repository. The variables stored here are generally available and applicable across the entire Kubeark platform.

The Global Administrator in the Kubeark platform, will have the ability to view all variables stored within the Global Vault as well as the Workspace Vaults (Local Vaults)

The Workspace Vault

The Vault is designed to be allocated to specific workspaces, allowing for a tailored approach to variable management.

Customization of the Vault for each workspace ensures that variables are not only stored securely but also segregated according to the needs and context of each workspace. This segregation enhances security by ensuring that sensitive information is accessible only within its relevant environment, thereby reducing the risk of unauthorized access or cross-environmental data breaches.

Users can define variables (like variable name, scope, scope ID, description, value, and the 'Is secret?' flag) that are relevant to the processes and workflows within that particular workspace.


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Step-by-step guide for defining new variables in the Workspace Vault

Creating a variable in the Workspace Vault of Kubeark is a straightforward process. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through it:

  1. Initiate Variable Creation:
    • Start by navigating to the Workspace Vault within your selected workspace.
    • Click on β€œCreate New Variable.” This action opens the interface for defining a new variable.
  2. Configure Variable Arguments:
    • Variable Name
      : Enter a unique and descriptive name for the variable. This name should be indicative of its purpose or the value it holds.
    • Scope
      : Since you are creating this variable within the Workspace Vault, set the scope to 'workspace'. This ensures that the variable is recognized as belonging to and usable within this specific workspace.
    • Scope ID
      : Enter a numeric value that uniquely identifies this variable within the workspace. The Scope ID helps in distinguishing this variable from others in the same scope.
    • Description
      : Provide a clear and concise description of the variable. This should include its purpose and any relevant details that will aid in its identification and use.
    • Value
      : Input the value that the variable will hold. This could be a string, number, or any data format that the Vault supports.
    • Is Secret Flag
      : Determine whether this variable contains sensitive information. If it does, toggle the 'Is Secret' flag to β€˜Yes’. This ensures that the variable is treated with an additional layer of security, masking its value from general visibility and ensuring secure handling.
  3. Save the Variable:
    • After inputting all the necessary details and configurations, click on the β€œSave” button to store the variable in the Workspace Vault.
    • Once saved, the variable is now securely stored in the Vault and is accessible for use within the designated workspace according to its defined scope and settings.


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The Global Vault

The (Global)Vault can be found under the Settings Management section of the main features menu.

Updated 10 Apr 2024
Doc contributor
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