Automation Menu



sIn the domain of automated processes, the initiation and successful execution of workflows frequently depends on the accurate acquisition of user-provided information or specific details.

Addressing this requirement, Kubeark Forms emerges as a dynamic and versatile tool, crafted to facilitate the efficient collection of essential data required for commencing automation workflows.

This functionality extends beyond mere information aggregation; it embodies a sophisticated, user-focused approach, tailored to accommodate a diverse array of requirements and scenarios. By integrating adaptability and user-centric design, Kubeark Forms ensures accurate and relevant data collection.

The Forms menu can be found under the Automation section of the main feature bar.

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Key features of Kubeark Forms

  1. Customizable Data Collection:
    • Design forms tailored to gather the exact information needed for various automation processes.
    • Customize fields to ensure that all essential data points are captured accurately and efficiently.
  2. Adaptive Logic in Forms:
    • Implement conditional logic within forms to create a responsive user experience.
    • For instance, if a customer opts for a virtual machine, the form will present fields relevant to that choice. Conversely, selecting a database will prompt a different set of input fields. This adaptive logic ensures users provide only the relevant information based on their specific needs.
  3. Public Accessibility:
    • Forms can be configured to be public, allowing them to be accessed and filled out by users outside of the Kubeark platform.
    • This feature significantly expands the utility of forms, enabling data collection from a wider audience and various stakeholders.
  4. Automation Triggers:
    • Forms are not just for data collection; they can act as triggers for automation processes within Kubeark.
    • Once a form is submitted with the required information, it can automatically initiate predefined workflows, making the transition from data collection to action seamless and efficient.

How to use Forms

To access the Form designer, go to the Automation section > Forms and Select "Create a Form"

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The Forms feature in Kubeark is divided into multiple tabs, each serving a specific purpose in the form creation and configuration process. Below is a description of each tab:

1. Designer Tab:

  • This is where you design your form using various elements like radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdowns, etc., as described in the previous tabular view.
  • It provides a user-friendly interface for adding and arranging form fields, customizing the layout, and setting properties for each element.
  • On the "Designer" tab you will find a set of predefined snippets to choose from in order to build your form:



Radio Button Group

Allows users to select one option from a predefined set of mutually exclusive choices.

Rating Scale

Enables the collection of responses by allowing users to rate a statement or item on a numerical scale.


Provides a list of items from which users can select multiple options.


Presents a dropdown menu with a list of options, allowing users to select one.

Multi-Select Dropdown

Similar to Dropdown, but allows users to select multiple options from the dropdown list.

Yes/No (Boolean)

Offers a simple yes/no choice, ideal for binary decisions or confirmations.

File Upload

Allows users to upload files as part of their form submission.

Image Picker

Enables users to select an image from a set of provided options.


Lets users order options or items according to their preference or importance.

Single-Line Input

Provides a field for short text input, typically used for single-line responses like names or email addresses.

Long Text

Offers a larger text box for longer responses, suitable for detailed feedback or descriptions.

Multiple Textboxes

Presents several text boxes in one question, each for collecting different pieces of related information.


A container that can group related items or questions together, enhancing form organization.

Dynamic Panel

A more flexible version of the Panel, which can change based on user input or conditions set in the form.

Single-Select Matrix

Displays a grid of questions (rows) and options (columns), allowing users to select one option per question.

Multi-Select Matrix

Similar to the Single-Select Matrix, but allows users to select multiple options for each question in the grid.

Dynamic Matrix

A matrix that can adapt or expand based on user responses, adding rows or altering options dynamically.


Enables the inclusion of custom HTML content for enhanced formatting or displaying additional information.

Expression (Read-Only)

Displays read-only content that can be dynamically changed based on formulas or user inputs elsewhere in the form.


Allows the insertion of images into the form for visual reference or enhancement.


Provides a space for users to add a digital signature, often used for consent or verification.

Date Time Picker

A tool for users to easily select dates and times, useful for appointments, reservations, or logging events.

2. Preview Tab:

  • Offers a live preview of the form as it's being designed.
  • It allows you to see how the form will appear to end-users, helping to ensure that the layout and flow are user-friendly and intuitive.
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3. Logic Tab:

  • Enables the addition of conditional logic rules to the form.
  • You can create rules based on user responses to previous questions (e.g., if a certain answer is given, then show or hide a particular field).
  • This tab allows for the configuration of complex form behaviors, making the form dynamic and interactive based on user inputs.
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4. JSON Editor Tab:

  • Provides a view of the form's configuration in JSON format.
  • This is useful for advanced users who prefer to work directly with code or need to make bulk changes quickly.
  • It allows for a more technical and detailed customization of the form, beyond what is possible through the graphical interface.
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5. Triggers Tab:

  • This tab lets you link your form to various functions and workflows.
  • The 'Add Functions' option includes predefined functions that can be triggered based on form submissions.
  • The 'Add Workflows' option allows you to integrate the form with specific workflows. You can select a workspace and then choose the desired workflow to be triggered when the form is submitted. This functionality enables the automation of processes and workflows based on the data collected through the form.
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Updated 12 Feb 2024
Doc contributor
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