Automation Menu



Triggers within the Workspace section empowers you to set precise conditions and actions, automating responses to various events or data changes. By defining trigger rules, you can ensure that your automation processes are not only efficient but also responsive to real-time events.

This feature simplifies the execution of tasks based on specific triggers, reducing manual intervention and enhancing overall efficiency.

Triggers in Kubeark are powerful components that initiate the execution of one or multiple workflows based on specific conditions. A trigger can be considered active when it is enabled and the output of its associated Expression evaluates to True. Once a trigger is activated by a designated source, such as an event or a predefined condition, it initiates the processing of workflows.

Triggers serve as the catalyst for workflow execution, ensuring that the defined automation processes are triggered at the right time and in response to the relevant events or conditions. By enabling and configuring triggers, users can define the precise circumstances under which workflows should be started.

The activation of a trigger results in the processing of workflows that are associated with it. This allows for the execution of a series of tasks or actions defined within the workflows, enabling automation and orchestration of complex processes. Triggers can start a single workflow or multiple workflows simultaneously, depending on the configuration and requirements set by the user.

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Menu navigation

Within the main Triggers menu, you will find a couple of options to help you filter by workspace and configure your triggers accordingly.

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  1. Workspace filter: in the right upper corner you will find a dropdown that allows you to select the desired workspace for further configuration
  2. Triggers and Sources: on the left upper corner you will find two submenus allowing you to enter the individual setup for triggers and for sources.

Quick recap:

The Automation menu of the Kubeark platform interface offers a powerful set of tools and features designed to streamline and simplify various tasks within the platform. This contains three main sections: Workspace, Forms and Functions

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  1. Workspace: A useful menu that enables you to design, visualize, and execute complex automation sequences effortlessly by configuring Workflows, Triggers, Cron Jobs, the Vault and Logs.
  2. Forms: The Forms section enables the creation and customization of digital forms, making it easy to collect structured data from users within the Kubeark platform.
  3. Functions: Functions are code snippets or scripts that can be triggered to perform specific actions or tasks within Kubeark
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How to setup triggers

The Triggers submenu within Workspace allows you to set precise conditions and actions, automating responses to various events or data changes. By defining trigger rules, you can ensure that your automation processes are not only efficient but also responsive to real-time events.

  1. Make sure you have selected the correct workspace from the upper right dropdown
  2. Select the Triggers tab on the upper left corner
  3. To create a new trigger, click on the "Add Trigger" button. A new window will appear, allowing you to configure the trigger's settings
  4. A new window appears where you will need to configure the trigger arguments as follows:




Assign a unique and meaningful name to your trigger. This helps you easily identify and manage it within your workspace.


Provide a brief yet informative description of your trigger. This serves as a quick reference to understand the trigger's purpose and functionality


Specify the owner of the trigger. This is essential for accountability and ensuring that the right team member is responsible for the trigger's management


Define the source of the trigger. This identifies where the trigger is initiated or triggered from, providing context for its actions

*Please refer to the Sources section


Add relevant tags to categorize and organize your triggers. Tags simplify the process of searching and managing triggers, especially in larger automation projects


Toggle the trigger's active status


Select the workflows associated with this trigger.


Craft an expression that outlines the precise conditions triggering the automation.

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Expression builder

The Expression Builder in Kubeark is a specialized tool designed to facilitate the creation and management of events within the system. It allows users to define, customize, and automate responses to various system or user activities.

The Expression Builder in Kubeark includes a range of Kubeark predefined events, meticulously crafted based on the most common use cases and our extensive experience, ensuring smooth and relevant experience for the users.

Its primary purpose is to enable users to create specific "events" that act as triggers for certain actions within the Kubeark platform. An event in this context refers to a specific occurrence or a set of conditions being met within the platform.

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Within the Expression Builder, select the "Add Predefined Event" option. This opens up a list of predefined Kubeark events. A complete list of predefined events that you can use can be found below:



Workflow Events: Include triggers for creation, update, deletion, publication, and rollback of workflows.

  • Workflow created
  • Workflow updated
  • Workflow deleted
  • Workflow published
  • Workflow rollback

Form Events: Typically used for actions triggered by form submissions

  • Form submitted

Deployment Events: Cover a range of deployment-related triggers, including creation, enabling/disabling, deletion, and status updates.

Reference: Deployments (Kubernetes)

  • Deployment created
  • Deployment disabled
  • Deployment enabled
  • Deployment hard deleted
  • Deployment soft deleted
  • Deployment status updated
  • Deployment updated
  • Deployment upgrade failed
  • Deployment upgrade succeeded
  • Deployment time extended
  • Deployment stopped
  • Deployment tags added
  • Deployment replicas updated
  • Deployment image updated
  • Deployment installation failed
  • Deployment installation succeeded
  • Deployment deleted

Template Events: Relate to the creation, deletion, and other changes in templates.

Reference: Templates (Kubernetes)

  • Template created
  • Template deleted
  • Template updated

Cluster Events: Include additions, updates, and deletions of clusters.

Reference: Clusters

  • Cluster added
  • Cluster hard deleted
  • Cluster updated

K8s Events: Encompass actions within Kubernetes, such as namespace deletion or resource updates.

Reference: Kubernetes

  • Namespace deleted
  • Resource created
  • Resource deleted
  • Resource updated

Infra Deployment Events: Focus on infrastructure deployment actions like creation, updates, and provisioning.

  • Infra Deployment created
  • Infra Deployment updated
  • Infra Deployment provision plan created
  • Infra Deployment delete plan created
  • Infra Deployment deleted

Infra Template Events: Involve creation, updates, and deletion of infrastructure templates.

  • Infra Template created
  • Infra Template updated
  • Infra Template deleted

How to setup Sources

A source, in the context of Kubeark, acts as an entry point for real-time data and events, enabling your automation processes to react swiftly to changes, updates, or notifications originating from a wide array of platforms and services.

In Kubeark, the 'Sources' submenu under the Triggers page is a key component that allows users to configure various external services and platforms as sources for triggering events within the Kubeark environment. This feature enables the integration of a wide range of external systems and services, making it possible to create responsive and dynamic workflows that react to changes or events occurring outside the Kubeark platform. By configuring these sources, users can leverage external data and events to automate processes, enhance operational efficiency, and create a more interconnected system.

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  • Go to the Automation Menu > Workspace > Triggers and select the Sources tab
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  • Click on "Add Source"
  • Configure the Source arguments, as follows:




Assign a unique and meaningful name to your Source. This helps you easily identify and manage it within your workspace.


Provide a brief yet informative description of your Source. This serves as a quick reference to understand its purpose and functionality


Specify the owner of the configured Source. This is essential for accountability and ensuring that the right team member is responsible for managing it


Add relevant tags to categorize and organize your triggers. Tags simplify the process of searching and managing triggers, especially in larger automation projects


Toggle the trigger's active status

Source Type

Select from a list of various external services

  1. AWS CloudWatch: Integrate with AWS CloudWatch to receive alerts and notifications based on specific metrics or log monitoring, enabling triggers based on cloud resource performance and status.
  2. AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service): Connect with AWS SQS to trigger actions in Kubeark based on messages in the SQS queues, facilitating smooth handling of distributed messaging and event-driven processes.
  3. Azure Active Directory: Utilize events from Azure Active Directory, such as user authentication or group changes, to initiate workflows, enhancing security and user management automation.
  4. Container Registry: Configure triggers based on activities in your container registry, such as new image pushes or updates, to automate deployment workflows and maintain consistency in container management.
  5. GitHub: Set up triggers based on GitHub events, like commits, pull requests, or releases, to automate code integration, testing, and deployment processes within your workflows.
  6. HELM: Integrate with HELM chart events to trigger actions in Kubeark, ensuring seamless application deployment and management in Kubernetes environments.
  7. HTTP Poller: Use HTTP Poller to regularly check web services or APIs and trigger events based on the response, allowing monitoring and reaction to external web services.
  8. NATS: Connect with NATS messaging system to trigger events based on messages or topics, enabling real-time, distributed communication in your workflows.
  9. Apache Pulsar: Integrate with Apache Pulsar to leverage its distributed pub-sub messaging for triggering real-time events, enhancing the responsiveness of your system.
  10. Azure Service Bus: Utilize Azure Service Bus to create triggers based on messages in queues, topics, or subscriptions, facilitating complex integrations and event-driven architectures in cloud environments.

When selecting a source from the list in the 'Sources' submenu, be aware that each source will present a unique set of arguments tailored to its specific connection requirements. For instance, if you choose "AWS SQS" as your source, you will need to configure arguments pertinent to AWS integration. These may include AWS credentials, Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Queue Name, and AWS Region, among others. It's essential to carefully fill in these details to ensure a seamless and secure connection between Kubeark and the selected external source.

Updated 10 Apr 2024
Doc contributor
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