Kubeark Actions
This category offers you a suite of predefined operations crafted with precision by Kubeark for Kubernetes and infrastructure management.
These predefined Actions are designed to simplify the workflow creation, providing out-of-the-box components for common tasks that you can readily incorporate into your processes.

The "Add Kubeark Cluster" is a specialized action dedicated to adding a Kubernetes cluster to the Kubeark workflow. Here's a breakdown of the configuration available configuration options:
- Name: The unique identifier for this node in the workflow.
- Condition: Condition
- A field where you can define a condition that must be met for this node to execute, allowing for conditional logic in your workflow.
- On Error: None
- Determines the behavior if an error occurs while attempting to add the cluster. It seems that currently, there's no action specified for error handling.
- Vault: Scopes
- Indicates a secure storage location for sensitive information. "Scopes" may refer to the specific permissions or areas this node can access within the vault.
- Input:
- Api Token: Api Token
- A place to enter the API token that will authenticate the action with the necessary permissions to add a cluster.
- Cluster:
- Name: Name
- The name you want to assign to the new Kubernetes cluster within Kubeark.
- Description: Details
- A field for entering a description of the cluster, which could include its purpose, configuration details, or other relevant information.
- Owner: Owner
- The entity or user that owns or is responsible for the Kubernetes cluster.
- Active: No
- A toggle to specify whether the cluster should be immediately active after addition.
- Prometheus URL: Prometheus URL
- The URL to the Prometheus instance associated with the cluster, used for monitoring and metrics collection.
- Usage URL: Usage URL
- The URL that provides information on the utilization or other statistics for the cluster.
- Kubeconfig:
- File Upload / Text:
- This option allows for either uploading a kubeconfig file or providing its contents directly in text format. The kubeconfig is necessary for Kubeark to interact with the Kubernetes cluster, containing details like cluster server addresses, user credentials, and context.
- Upload Config File:
- A button or switch to upload the kubeconfig file directly to the node's configuration.
When this node is executed, it will carry out the process of integrating a new Kubernetes cluster into the Kubeark environment using the provided details and configurations. This action simplifies and automates the cluster addition process, making it an essential part of managing multiple clusters within the Kubeark platform.
The "Create Deployment" is a node specifically designed to automate the deployment of applications or services in your workflow. Here's what each configuration option means:
- Name: Unique identifier for this particular deployment node within the workflow.
- Condition: A field to specify any prerequisites that must be met before this node can run. If a condition is given, the deployment will proceed only when it evaluates to true.
- On Error: Determines the workflow's response when an error occurs during the deployment. Options could include retrying the deployment, moving to another task, or stopping the workflow entirely.
- Input:
- Wait For Result: Indicates whether the workflow should pause until the deployment is confirmed successful or not.
- Api Token: The token for authenticating with the API that will perform the deployment.
- Time Out: Sets a limit on how long the node should wait for the deployment to complete before timing out.
- Deployment:
- Name: The name to be assigned to the deployment.
- Description: A detailed description of the deployment for identification or documentation purposes.
- Owner: The person or entity responsible for this deployment.
- Tags: used for labeling or categorizing the deployment within the system for easier searching or sorting.
- Template Id: Refers to an identifier for a predefined deployment template, if applicable.
- Cluster Id: The identifier for the Kubernetes cluster where the deployment should occur.
- Namespace: Kubernetes namespace where the deployment should be created.
- Grace Time: An additional period allowed after the deployment, possibly for the service to become stable before proceeding with the workflow.
- Environnement Action: The type of action to take within the deployment environment.
- Additional Parameters: A section to input any additional deployment parameters in YAML format, allowing for complex configurations.
- Sensitive Parameters: A designated space for parameters that are sensitive and require secure handling, such as passwords or private keys.
When this node is executed, it will automate the process of creating a new deployment according to the parameters and conditions specified.