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Kubeark Vault offers a centralized repository for managing certain values that are used across multiple components like database credentials, API keys, and environment-specific settings. This ensures that every component of an application references a singular, consistent source for its configurations.

Vault centralizes and manages configuration values that are essential for various components of your application. By simplifying the process of defining, scoping, accessing, and managing these variables, Vault enhances the overall efficiency and security of your deployments. This platform ensures a reliable and streamlined approach to handling configuration values, promoting consistency and reducing maintenance efforts.

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  • Cluster Management: Vault's cluster management section provides users the tools to define, edit, and oversee variables associated with different clusters. Ensure each cluster operates with its designated configurations and accesses the correct resources.
  • Infrastructure (Infra): This is where users manage the variables related to infrastructure setups. Whether you're working on networking configurations or storage parameters, the 'Infra' section makes it straightforward.
  • Workflows: Streamline your processes by setting up and managing workflow-specific variables here. By defining precise configurations, you ensure each workflow runs seamlessly and reliably.
  • User: Personalize user experiences or manage user-specific data by employing the user variables section. This feature ensures individual users or groups operate under their specific parameters.
  • Function: Integrate and manage specific function-related variables with ease. Whether it's a custom function or a predefined one, ensure it has the right settings to execute correctly.
  • Template Group: Organize and manage variables related to different template groups. Tailor configurations to cater to specific template group needs, ensuring optimal deployment and functioning.
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How to create a Vault key?

Step 1 - Access the Vault: navigate to the Settings menu in the main application dashboard

Step 2 - Initiate Key Creation: once inside the Vault section, select Create Key

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Step 3 - Fill in the Key details: Upon selecting Create Key, a prompt will open, allowing you to enter the desired arguments for the key creation

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Enter the desired name for your key. This will be how you reference it in future


Input the actual data or value for your key. This can be any string of text or numbers.

Is Secret?

You will see a toggle switch labeled "Yes/No". If your key contains sensitive information that should be hidden or encrypted, toggle this to "Yes". 


Provide a brief description of the key. This can be helpful for others who may use this key, or for you to recall its purpose later.


Here, you can define the scope of the key's applicability. Choose from the following options based on where you want this key to be used:

-> Cluster

-> Infra

-> Workflows

-> User

-> Function

-> Template Group

Step 4 - Save & Confirm:Once you have filled in all the required arguments, click on Save

Now, you have successfully created a key within Vault. This key will be available for use as per the scope you've defined, ensuring a consistent and efficient configuration process.



Updated 25 Mar 2024
Doc contributor
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